Over the bank holiday weekend, and a few days this week, i have been acting in a film trailer for film-maker Dawn Furness which she will then take with her to the Cannes Film Festival next week, with the hope that it will get financing.
The film is a heist-thriller, and i'm playing the naive reporter trying to get a story by following very dangerous people, it's going to be good!
On Tuesday night i was in Whitley Bay at the ice rink (where my mum saw Wham!). I stayed over in Newcastle with some of the other actors, thank you again, and Wednesday morning i got to wander into a real newsroom full of working journalists, and then sit down at a desk looking professional. All the while being filmed, but i don't think anyone around us knew what was happening.
We also got a sneaky look at the presses rolling.
After filming that, i was straight down to Durham for an audition, for Inspector George Gently. All very exciting, especially when i realised the audition was on the actual set, they had turned an old school into a 1960s police station, complete with holding cells and a car park full of 50s-60s cars. It made me very happy!
After the audition, I made it to the train station for 15:17:36, and realised that the last train to get me back on time was at 15:18:00! I think it was a bit of fate that i'd already bought my ticket, and could get straight through the barriers and onto the train.
I made it to Natalie Pluck's house in Guisbrough just after five, despite my satnav taking me to a blocked road, and we headed straight to the stables to do a photoshoot with some lovely horses, that kept trying to eat my jacket.