Thursday, 17 October 2013

Knocking Ghost Music Video

A while back I worked on a music video for an amazing band, you can read the original posts on my tumblr.

I’ve already seen the finished video, and I can’t wait to start sharing it! I can’t stop listening to the song either. You can have a listen on Hypem.

But until I can share the video, here’s a peak at some of the artwork I pinched off the Knocking Ghost Facebook page.

Jen Nelson x

Can i have two blogs that say the same thing?

Well tough, because it's what I plan to do.
It seems that Tumblr is perfect for Tumblrs to find with its easy to use hashtags, and things can be reblogged so quickly, and they look so professional, but Blogger is much easier to search in Google. So I have made the decision to use both, as they both have their advantages and disadvantages. (I'm sure i'll go wrong somewhere, but here we go!)

Jen x 

Saturday, 1 June 2013

New location!

This neglected little blog is moving over to tumblr, where hopefully it will get a bit more attention.

Click here

Jen Xx

Friday, 1 March 2013

Hobgoblyn Update

So i'm still in London, still auditioning away, but nothing really interesting to report (unless i think of something later). But I keep getting newsletters from a short film i worked on aaaages ago, so i thought it was time to read one. I think it's still going well, it's a medieval short film about magic among other things. Have a look at the website and like it on facebook if you're interested.
Below is the trailer, and i think i was in a magazine judging by this photo?


Soomin Campaign!

I forgot to post when the new Soomin photos came in, so go and shop away on their website, so many beautiful scarves, all surrounding my face (and polina's).

Friday, 1 February 2013

Nearly Soomin Time!

The new Soomin collection has nearly arrived, and there is a picture of a confused looking me on the website to announce this. But I've seen the other photos so i won't worry (much).
Have a sneaky look at the older collections if you care, or read my post about the Soomin scarf etc. shoot here.

Update! Check out the making of video on my new tumblr blog x

Monday, 14 January 2013

Winter Shoot

A few weeks ago I put together a mood board with pictures that I thought my portfolio could do with and sent it to Natalie Pluck. I need more commercial stuff like the Soomin shoot (photos very soon!) to show that I can sell normal clothes.

Ooooh moody.

So me and Natalie ventured out in the cold and rain last week to a beach in Hartlepool, hoping it would be worth it, and looking at the first pictures she's edited, it was!

Unlike our normal shoots, I was surprisingly layered up, we chose lots of knitwear and furs, and a very natural make up look. From the mood board you can see what I was after, a cold looking winter location shoot with lots if neutral colours.

I'll upload more photos as I get them. Xx

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Soomin Accessories Shoot

Before Christmas I did a ballet inspired shoot for Soomin modelling gorgeous scarves, collars and clutches in an amazing studio in Old Street.
I forgot to blog about it then, and I'm shooting with them again on Sunday so I thought I'd do it now!
It was amazing and everyone was so lovely. The scarves Liz designs for her website Soomin have recently been spotted by Anthopologie and the collaborations are really pretty, inspired by Russian dolls.
I can't wait to see all the finished shots of me and Polina, we had such a nice day with everyone.

Jen x

Why not check out the official making-of video on my new blog?