Thursday, 17 October 2013

Knocking Ghost Music Video

A while back I worked on a music video for an amazing band, you can read the original posts on my tumblr.

I’ve already seen the finished video, and I can’t wait to start sharing it! I can’t stop listening to the song either. You can have a listen on Hypem.

But until I can share the video, here’s a peak at some of the artwork I pinched off the Knocking Ghost Facebook page.

Jen Nelson x

Can i have two blogs that say the same thing?

Well tough, because it's what I plan to do.
It seems that Tumblr is perfect for Tumblrs to find with its easy to use hashtags, and things can be reblogged so quickly, and they look so professional, but Blogger is much easier to search in Google. So I have made the decision to use both, as they both have their advantages and disadvantages. (I'm sure i'll go wrong somewhere, but here we go!)

Jen x