Monday 28 March 2011

Watch out for Northumbria students!

After giving up so much of my time to act in Fracture, the green scene animation, they have turned around and are trying not to pay my expenses!
As you may have noticed, I'm blogging out my anger!
I spent over £60 getting there and back so many times, and the producer is telling me that I should have asked for expenses before the shoot, (when I did) and that now they can only offer half. What'swrong with the other half!
They paid to get Clatters up from London, and took him out for meals, and he was a horrible person! Maybe I'm too nice and they think they can get away with not paying me?
Anyway, I wrote an email back, and my 6ft 4in mountain-biking brother has promised to go beat them up if they don't comply.
Surely film students rely on good natured actors giving up their time, so why take the p**s?

Anyway, in good news, I've been offered a role in the medieval film I auditioned for.
And the 50s film in Goathland (Hogsmead to potter fans) went nicely.

Rant over.

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